提供中国范围内的UV紫外线灯管,镇流器,石英套管及整机销售和技术服务. ●灯管17491,18063,17998,17498,3084,3095,3098,3087,18197,17820,18024,18951,18953,18977-4,Gold-L,Silver-L等; ●镇流器43474-1,4634-1,40328,4125等; ●石英套管18348,18347等; ●机台CSL,HX,SCD,PVC,RBE,SP,SL,DW等系列UV及除TOC。 uvAQUAFINE17998,uvAQUAFINE17998,uvAQUAFINE17998,uvAQUAFINE17998,uvAQUAFINE17998,uvAQUAFINE17998,uvAQUAFINE17998,uvAQUAFINE17998 About uvAQUAFINE: Established in 1949, uvAQUAFINE Corporation is a Southern California - based company recognized as one of the largest ultraviolet equipment manufacturers in the world. Located in Valencia, CA, uvAQUAFINE's state-of-the-art faciltiy and UV technology allows uvAQUAFINE's advanced UV water treatment systems to meet the changing requirements and needs of a diverse customer base around the world. uvAQUAFINE provides UV solutions worldwide for TOC reduction, chlorine and chloramine destruction, ozone destruction and disinfection in the following sectors of the Industrial/Commercial market: ◎Process water: Food, beverage and cosmetic industries ◎Ultrapure water: microelectronic and life science industries ◎Aquaculture: Fish hatcheries, grow-out facilities and shellfish cultures ◎Marine: Disinfection of drinking water and wastewater on marine vessels ◎Recreational applications:Fountains, swimming pools, aquariums and car washes ◎Wastewater: Disinfection in the food, beverage, microelectronics, etc. Water quality worldwide is deteriorating rapidly and the wealth of the population, as well as size, is increasing. These factors point to an ever increasing market for environmentally safe and clean products in the future. Wealth allows people to demand better quality products to omprove the quality of life - and these products require clean and sterile water supply. With an intimate knowledge of UV applications and a depth of experience in robust product design and manufacturing, uvAQUAFINE provides UV solutions. uvAQUAFINE Corporation is a recognized pioneer in advanced UV light technology and UV treatment solutions. Our Science and Technology Center is committed to innovating new product designs and providing our customers with the very latest in UV light technology across all application disciplines. This section will provide technical information that demonstrates the many capabilities we offer to provide solutions to your most demanding UV application needs. Light is electromagnetic radiation, or radiant energy traveling in the form of waves. UV energy is found in the electromagnetic spectrum between visible light and x-rays and can best be described as invisible radiation. The energy employed for UV water treatment is further categorized into two primary levels measured as wavelengths - 254 nm and 185 nm, where nm = 1/1000 of a micron. For disinfection and ozone destruction applications, the 254nm wavelength is utilized. For TOC reduction and chlorine destruction applications a unique wavelength is utilized. The UV radiation penetrates the outer cell wall of the microorganism, passes through the cell body, reaches the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and alters the genetic material. The microorganisms are thereby destroyed in a non-chemical manner (Figure 1). The 254 nm UV light is also used to destroy residual ozone present in a water stream. The 185 nm UV light, utilized in TOC reduction applications, decomposes the organic molecules. The 185 nm light carries more energy than the 254 nm light. The 185 nm light generates hydroxyl (OH·) free radicals from water molecules. All Colorguard® UV lamps are manufactured to exclusive specifications for optimal performance in uvAQUAFINE UV equipment. Validated Lamps are optional. The following lamps are available: STANDARD - These lamps have been the mainstay of uvAQUAFINE UV systems for decades. Like all uvAQUAFINE UV lamps, they undergo a rigorous quality control inspection and testing program. Available in SE and DE. HIGH EFFICIENCY (HE) - A low pressure, long life, high intensity lamp which greatly increases the capacity and performance of the unit. Available in SE only. HIGH OUTPUT (HX) - These lamps feature a higher UV intensity output. They are especially ideal for critical TOC reduction applications. Available in SE only. VALIDATED - As well as uvAQUAFINE’s rigorous testing, these lamps also undergo a complete lamp “burn-in” procedure, are individually challenged and traceable and are shipped complete with validation documentation. Available in SE and DE. |
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