Capture the Powerand Savings of uvAQUAFINE’sElectronicBallast Upgrade Kit,such as 4035、4125、41634-1。 |
Upgrade your existing UV unit with uvAQUAFINE’s innovative Electronic Ballast Upgrade Kit and collect the savings in power, increased UV intensity efficiency and reduced down time. Each Electronic Ballast Upgrade Kit includes all of the necessary components required to upgrade your system, plus easy - to – follow instructions. Consider the advantages of an uvAQUAFINE electronic ballast over a magnetic ballast: Greater TOC Reduction Improved UV Intensity Consumes 25-30% Less Power Cooler Operating Temperatures Quick Disconnects for Easy Ballast Replacement Each Ballast Weighs Under 5 lbs. For more information or to place an order, please contact our Customer Service Department or your local uvAQUAFINE representative. Order now to get today’s performance from yesterday’s UV equipment! In models with the Lamp Out Alert Option,the Board must be replaced. Pre-1984 models require additional parts. MP-2-SL BALLAST UPGRADE KIT Model No. 120 Volt P/N 240 Volt P/N MP-2-SL 18514 18514-1 CSL BALLAST UPGRADE KIT Model No. 120 Volt P/N 240 Volt P/N CSL-4R 17333 17333-1 CSL-6R 17334 17334-1 CSL-8R 17335 17335-1 CSL-12R 17337 17337-1 CSL-8R/60 17335 17335-1 CSL-10R/60 17336 17336-1 CSL-12R/60 17337 17337-1 CSL-24R 17659 17659-1 CSL-16R/60 17660 17660-1 CSL-20R/60 17661 17661-1 CSL-24R/60 17659 17659-1 RBE BALLAST UPGRADE KIT Model No. 120 Volt P/N 240 Volt P/N RBE-4R 17328 17328-1 RBE-6R 17329 17329-1 RBE-8R 17330 17330-1 RBE-12R 17332 17332-1 RBE-8R/60 17330 17330-1 RBE-10R/60 17331 17331-1 RBE-12R/60 17332 17332-1 RBE-24R 16719 16719-1 RBE-16R/60 16720 16720-1 RBE-20R/60 16721 16721-1 RBE-24R/60 16719 16719-1 SCD BALLAST UPGRADE KIT Model No. 120 Volt P/N 240 Volt P/N SCD-600 18206 18206-1 SCD-700 18207 18207-1 SCD-1000 18208 18208-1 |
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