A、吸入和雾状物和粉尘进入油雾过滤器首先与惯性碰撞板下撞后 落下,由一次过滤器将大颗粒的雾状物除去。
One、Product introduction
"Him blue card" electrostatic composite type oil mist purifier device with overload protection, phase lack protection, leakage protection function. High voltage power supply with electric spark automaticpower-off protection function. Equipment operation is stable, easy to operate.
Two、The purpose of the product
Dealing with the application of oil mist vapour on the CNC CNC lathe, cleaning machine, cylindrical,surface grinder, milling machine, hobbing and shaping machine, vacuum pump, spray test chamber,EDM, CNC machining centers and other places of work to produce cleaner processing and storage.
Three、Working principle
A, inhalation and mist and dust to enter the oil mist filter firstly and inertial impaction plate hit after the fall, by the first filter will mist removal of large particles.
B, into small particles of fog two or three filter packages in the impeller under the action of the coarse grain, improving the result of filtering the next screen.
C, three filters for efficient filter, can be better to filter the fine oil mist.
Four、Equipment advantage
Machine tool oil mist purifier can be recovered part of the emulsifier atomization machine toolcutting reuse, reduce the loss. Benefits of recycling concrete data, to see the machine produce mistdegree, generally speaking, the higher the concentration of mist, recovery efficiency and better. Oil mist discharge directly in air conditioning workshop, will be reduced and damage the air-conditioning energy efficiency, a substantial increase in the use of air conditioning costs; if the oil mist to outside, will not only damage the environment (affects the social image, also may be the environmental protection departments punishment), but also have the possibility to manufacture fire hidden trouble, resulting in property loss accident;
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