stainless steel tubes, tube connections and bends, butterfly and ball valves
Guth Ventiltechnik - Your reliable Partner Since its formation in 1861 Guth has specialized in the production of high-quality fittings. Our aims from formation have been to enhance and develop our products by means of innovative design, using only the highest quality material. Our range comprises of valves, fittings and special components which are mainly used in the food- & beverage-, cosmetics-, pharmaceutical- and chemical industry. In our modern, state-of-the-art production facilities in Landau, Germany, our employees work according to the latest design and manufacturing principle. Our quality management procedure guarantees that you will always receive our products manufactured to meet the highest expectations concerning quality and hygiene. The key element in our company′s philosophy is the satisfaction of our customers. Day by day our whole team is thriving to process your inquiries and orders smoothly, reliably and on time. Thanks to the flexibility of our organization we can always offer you the best service possible. From stainless steel tubes, tube connections and bends, butterfly and ball valves to the most sophisticated seat and modulating valves we cover nearly all applications in the field of liquid media. Besides our standard program we supply a wide range os special solutions in the well-known Guth quality. Valve clusters, complex machine parts or distribution panels are just some examples of what we an manufacture for you.
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