Dry boxglove manufactured in Polyurethane聚氨酯 PUR(U) 袖套
• 产品简介聚氨酯 PUR(U) 袖套
Polyurethane glove is made in America, it is to use mainly by matchingwith the glove box, operation box, dry box, isolator, production line of liquidfilling machine and etc. It can match with the imported glove box, such as: theglove box of Braun from Germany, VAC glove box from America and the KOREA KIYONglove box and it can also match with all variety of domestic glove boxes. It isoften used in the dry box operation of various industries, including thenuclear power, defense, medicine, biotechnology, semiconductor andmanufacturing, especially for hazardous environment with highly toxic chemicals,such as chemical weapons. It is most widely used in the battery production andmaterial research and development fields and it is also the best glove in termof combination property today because of its best functionality ofwaterproofness and oxygen penetration.
√ 特殊机型性能(穿刺,撕扯,切割)
√ 良好耐臭氧性和抗紫外线性
√ 柔韧性和灵活性
√ **抗电离辐射性
√ 极低比表面积防止挂留粉末
• 应用领域聚氨酯 PUR(U) 袖套
√ 核工业
√ 生命科学(**/医疗)
• Characteristics /Advantages
√ Glove manufactured inpolyurethane.
√ Exceptional mechanical properties(puncture, tear, cut).
√ High resistance to ozone and UV.
√ Flexibility and dexterity.
√ Excellent behavior againstionising radiations.
√ Very low specific surface wichprevents to catch and retain powder.
• Fields of Application
√ Nuclear industries
√ Life sciences (pharmaceutical / medical)
更多聚氨酯 PUR(U) 袖套Piercan袖套信息请直接致电埃登威上海公司
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