◆ 设备简介
Double temperature control, that is, the oil temperature can be set and controlled freely; The temperature of the water is also controllable. The lower water filling part of the frying machine is cooled by natural wind and an automatic cold water circulation system is added to control the temperature of the water at the bottom of the frying machine within a certain range, so that the water will not boil into the oil and oil spill phenomenon occurs. The waste residue and waste precipitate to the bottom of the water in the process of frying. After work every day, open the water valve and release the waste residue in the frying machine, so as to achieve the effect of clean oil, so that the oil in the frying machine does not change black for a long time and does not acidify.
(1) Automatic discharging: through the motor driven way, after the completion of zhazhi automatic lifting and automatic pouring after the oil, reduce the labor intensity of workers, to ensure the unity of the product zhazhi time.
(2) Automatic temperature control: controlled by electronic control instrument, when the oil temperature is higher than the set temperature, the heating device stops heating, when the oil temperature is lower than the set temperature, the heating device begins heating, to ensure the product frying temperature, improve the quality of the product.
◆ 设备优势
The whole machine adopts high quality 304 stainless steel material, exquisite workmanship, durable.
Adopt intelligent digital display temperature controller, convenient and practical.
Adopt water-oil mixing technology, filter residue automatically, can prolong oil change cycle, greatly reduce oil cost.
Adopt automatic temperature control, no overheating, no residue, avoid acid price rise, black oil generation, greatly reduce the working smoke.
Using partition temperature control, effective separation of inferior oil, fried a variety of foods do not taste, a multi-purpose machine.
With overtemperature protection device, let you use at ease.
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